I realized something today: If not for rain, we wouldn't have flowers.
Steven would have turned 28 years old today. It also marks 5 months since Jesus called him home. 151 days since I last hugged my best friend. 3,648.5 hours since I last saw his smile. Today has been a milestone.
Despite the agony these numbers have brought, I learned something. The day started out gloomy, looking like rain with no sun in sight, but as it progressed the sun began to shine and temperatures hit 76 degrees. I love spring. It's a time of renewal and hope for a beautiful tomorrow. Caterpillars become butterflies and behind every fence, there are baby animals finding their feet. The old saying says, "April showers bring May flowers". Isn't this the true spirit of hope?? Though it may rain today, the sun could shine tomorrow. The same is true in times of tribulation. Today may be the worse day of my life, but if I can just get through it, tomorrow might be the best. Looking back on the days following Steven's death, I now understand how important it is to hold onto hope. Steven passed away on November 30, 2012 - it was the worst day of my life. But, I kept moving forward and exactly 3 weeks later, our Son was born - which will forever be the best day of my life. I'm learning to appreciate the rain and to HOPE for a more beautiful tomorrow!
"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." - Joseph Addison
You don't know me and I don't you besides from Relay for Life last year. I just want you to know that you are an inspiration to me. I have really been struggling with the idea of death. That this life will just be over and I have no control over it. I pray everyday about it but I am terrified and think about it all the time (to the point of depression) but, for some reason, when I read your posts, I have hope. Hope that no matter what, strength comes from hard times and recovery is possible. I just wanted to say thank you so much for your strength. Your faith. Your hope. Your willingness to share your story. Your courage. I thank God everyday for people like you. People who are inspirations to others in small ways. Thank you.